Connelly's Bar.
418 Garscube Road, corner of OakBank Street, Glasgow.
Connelly's Bar on the far left and the Oak Bank Bar on the other corner on the right.
There has been a pub on this site since 1850. James Mcllquham was the first licensee, the address was then 143 Garscube Road. The Mcllquham family ran the business for many years, George took over in 1855 then his wife Jane Mcllquham ran the pub from 1870 until the mid 1880's., she lived near by at St George's Road.
Over the years this pub has seen many publican come and go, the locals will remember such names as Mr John Quinn and Mr Connelly. The pub became known as Connelly's and the Thistle Bar. This is the pub where John Wintergill's got his training.
This old pub was finally demolished around 1970.