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Old Glasgow Pubs by john gorevan


J Mitchell.

741 Gallowgate, Glasgow.


J Mitchell

This old Gallowgate pub sat at the corner of Gallowgate and Whitevale Street.

Over the years it has been known as the Whitevale Bar, The Vale, Bosanova, Old Black Bull 1890s. Forres Bar and Mitchell’s. This photograph was taken in 1964.

In the 1870s Alexander Stewart was landlord here, he occupied other licensed premises in Wesleyn Street.

In 1916 John Green the licensee was given orders by the licensing courts to get rid of a telephone which was being used by customers who were drunk, this was an order in which Mr Green had to adhere to as he was about to lose his licence if he did not removed the telephone.

In 1924 Duncan Fraser was granted a transfer of the licence, he previously worked for Mr Green as a waiter, he had twenty five years experience as a waiter before taking over the pub.

The pub was finally demolished in the late 1970s, the last occupier of the premises was James McFadden.

To read more on the pubs on the Gallowgate read up & Doon the Gallowgate by John Gorevan. A copy can be bought for a few pounds at the Hielan Jessie on the Gallowgate or contact me at john@oldglasgowpubs.co.uk


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